become a donor

Help us make music lessons accessible to all children! We can’t do it without you!

why support CMSWR?

  • music changes lives

    It builds confidence, creativity, and fosters community. Our students develop their musical skills in a welcoming, diverse, and fun environment.

  • everyone should have the opportunity to make music.

    You can help build a future where all children in Waterloo Region have the opportunity to make music and develop their creativity, regardless of income or status.

  • we're community driven

    We operate through partnerships so every dollar donated goes directly to making music education more accessible to Waterloo Region’s youth.

  • we're all about relationships

    At CMSWR, we believe in a relational approach to teaching music. Teachers walk alongside students as they grow as people and musicians.

 donate instruments

We accept donations of new and gently used keyboards, guitars, bass guitars, amps, and violins.

in-kind support

Local businesses in Waterloo Region can help too. We also appreciate in-kind support, including instrument repairs and program space.

Our Donors & Funders

 Investing in our young people benefits all of us in the Waterloo Region. We could not accomplish our goals without the support, involvement, and enthusiasm of our many supporters.

Thanks to you all for enabling us to bring music to kids in our community!

Support our music programs with one-time or monthly contributions